Playing With Words is a compilation of notes inspired by soulful experiences in life, when trials and tribulations collide with hope and love to produce moments of growth, gratitude and limitless possibilities. These notes are written in hopes that those who could benefit from their humble messages of love, inspiration and encouragement, will find them at the right time and for the right reasons.

This site is focused on promoting self-empowerment. It encourages thriving regardless of the circumstances. It stimulates thought and motivates the heart through a blend of affirmations, philosophy and poetic words. It prompts self-reflection, not only to help us understand ourselves, our actions and reactions, but also to help us understand others, to inspire better interactions and more meaningful experiences.

Visit often, as the site is always growing and evolving. The most impactful message may still be in the making…

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The Price of Denial

Sometimes, due to self-imposed limitations, we get so used to life deciding for us, that even when we know without a doubt that we have full control over our current situation, and that we desperately desire to reach that goal or to fulfil that dream, we choose to limit our participation, as if by denying our direct involvement we can…

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